About Telicom
TelicomTM is the journal of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE).
Available to ISPE members only, Telicom is ISPE’s world-renowned journal which traces its origins all the way back to 1974 when ISPE was originally founded. The journal began as a simple black-and-white newsletter and has undergone several transformations throughout its long history, including changes in size, format, publication frequency, and delivery method. For several years, Telicom existed as a black-and-white hard-copy journal that was mailed to each ISPE member. It has now evolved into its current full-color format, which is published quarterly, averages 100-200 pages in length, and is made available at no cost to all current ISPE members (a.k.a. “Thousanders”). Telicom is delivered electronically to the membership via PDF and flipbook on the ISPE website, and all Thousanders also have the option of purchasing a hard copy if so desired.
The subject matter found within Telicom’s pages is wide-ranging and represents the vast diversity of expertise areas, talents, and interests of our ISPE membership. Articles may feature topics such as the arts, humanities, spirituality, science, history, philosophy, engineering, technology, mathematics, physics, music, neuropsychology, recipes, personal experiences, humor, or any other theme that members feel inspired to share with their fellow Thousanders. A typical Telicom issue features a wide variety of “ACES” (articles, columns, and essays) in addition to sections devoted specifically to member-submitted art, poetry/prose, photography, puzzles, and autobiographies. Telicom also boasts its own recurring comic strip, “Telly, the ISPE Turtle,” and the third-quarter issue of each year is the “Fabulous Fiction Issue,” which showcases the creative talents of ISPE’s membership. Interspersed throughout Telicom’s pages are aphorisms meant to encourage, entertain, inform, or provoke deep thought.
The selections showcased under the Telicom Preview tab comprise just a small preview of what can be found inside the pages of Telicom, and they represent a mere snapshot of the intriguing, intellectual, and inspiring contributions from ISPE’s Thousanders.
If you would like to become a member of ISPE so that you, too, may enjoy full issues and contribute articles to be included in Telicom, visit our Join/Contact page for more information.